Friday, March 8, 2013

SeaWorld San Diego

 SeaWorld San Diego

SeaWorld San Deigo Theme Park was a blast today.  We timed it out perfectly as it was not crowded, the weather was about 70 degrees. My friend had an injured leg so we rented her a wheelchair for the day and I had the pleasure to push her around, the park was handicap friendly.
The whale show was my favorite of all the shows.  I have decided it is brave Sandra week, I wanted to feed the Manta Rays, not something I would normally do.
 I was given a small tray of little fish and told to put the fish between two fingers and wait till a skate rubbed it's belly over my hand, then I would feel a suction while the Manta ray ate the fish.  I was totally in awe but scared at the same time.

 I am so glad I did it.  Then my friend said, "oh you have to go on the Manta Ray Roller-coaster."  I giggled at that idea and said I have not been on a roller-coaster since I was like 13.  My inner voice said come on you should do this.... don't be such a wuss.  Somewhere in all that I decided it would be fun....  When you first take off, the ride goes slowly back and forth to psyche you up.  That's when that stupid inner voice said, hmmm maybe this is not such a good idea...  It was fun, scary, thrilling and kinda painful all in one.  I survived it and amazingly enough I am glad i did it.  Would I do it again??? no.

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